At Stellar Horizon, we are an internationally recognized corporate entity with a profound mission deeply rooted in the annals of erudition. Our journey is guided by sagacious acumen, poised to unravel and embellish the intricacies of global business enterprises across diverse domains. Whether it's navigating the complexities of the marine industry, optimizing operations in the ever-evolving world of energy, or offering expert consultancy services that transcend industries, we are committed to fostering growth and success. Additionally, we bring tailored solutions to the real estate market, capitalizing on trends and opportunities, and stand as a dependable partner in the realm of general merchandise. Our unwavering commitment to integrity, collaboration, and tangible results serves as the cornerstone of building citadels of success for our clients. Join us on this journey, where expertise meets excellence, and together, we'll chart a course for success in these diverse and dynamic industries.

About Us

#5 chief Daniel Okocha street, Rumuigbo, Port Harcourt, Nigeria

+91 77180 88104


Opening Hours

24 Hours
